Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Well this year I am teaching first grade. What a difference from third. I did not let it stop me from using technology. I am now using laptops and ipads in my classroom. My students are busy with math, reading, writing, and storytelling using technology.

My first graders do their spelling test on line using Spellingcity.com and we do our weekly testing on our Pearson site pearsonsuccessnet.com. I am amazed everyday by the ability they have to succeed with technology.

I continue to look for new ways to use technology in my class no matter what age level I am teaching.

Symbaloo is my newest addition. It is a great tool for organizing what I want my students to do. I also found out how to create my own avitar using Voki! Too cool? Check this out http://www.voki.com/ . Web 2.0 is a wonderful resource. I listened to a recent webinar on Symbaloo and this was included. So keep looking for new tools and don't think your students are too young to use technology. My first graders are turning into real techno geeks!!!

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