Monday, March 10, 2014

Thing 2 Connecting and Communicating

Build Your PLN Thing 2

The always on nature of professional learning on Twitter enhances modern PD by giving teachers the option to locate and follow those with the information they want. As a first grade teacher I am now able to look up a list of educators and check out what they are doing and get ideas for my own classroom. Many times I have seen links for conferences and or reviews of conferences or PD’s others have actually gone to. It is nice to read what others have to say about the things they have done and it helps me decide where I want to go. I follow teachers that I have seen at MACUL and have gained lots of great information when it comes to using technology.

I don’t really have a lot of concerns about Twitter. I just think that I need to use it more in order to become more comfortable with the format and how to do it. I admit that I am not on it enough and need to try it out more. When I am on it I find that it is a useful tool in education for both teachers and as time goes on for students as well.

Video Calling: Google Hangout

  • I think video calling would help a great deal in my classroom. On a daily basis it seems I have a teacher call me with some type of computer or iPad problem. Using video calling they could actually show me the problem. Most teachers call and try to explain what is wrong but for me a visual is best. I could also see us using it as a way to conference over a student or even for a staff meeting. Our staff is small and this would be a great way to communicate from the classroom and not have to worry about what room we are going to travel to.

  •  Video calling with students is a great idea! Even better I could use it with parents in a one to one conversation when they have questions over homework.
  •   Google Hang Out is a great tool when it comes to keeping in touch with your family! I have a brother in Florida and a sister who lives in Leslie. I can talk to both of them at the same time and they think it is great!

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