Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Thing 6 Screencasting

Screencasting Comparison Thing 6

Touch Math

This lesson was created by a teacher and set up nicely for students to learn counting on using touch math. I like her use of pictures and not just drawing in the numbers. Giving students a little better visual than just writing on the ipad. She speaks clearly and slowly making it very easy to follow and because of that I think this was the most productive of the two.

 Adding Double Digits

This lesson is also given by a teacher. He is demonstrating double addition. He talks a bit fast and doesn't use any pictures only writing.  Students may get a bit bored and not pay as much attention with this video as it is simply the teacher talking and writing. Both of these would be helpful in my first grade math class.

As I looked through the different videos I became aware of untapped knowledge and now will look for ways to use this in my class. I can use these apps to make my own videos but why reinvent the wheel if there is something out there that I can already use. Our time is so limited during the day and at night I find it hard sometimes to turn on my ipad. Knowing that I can go to these sites and find ready made lessons is a big help.

When I do make my own videos I know to speak slowly and clear. I will also consider using images and walking students through worksheets that they will be doing in the classroom. This type of lesson will be very helpful to those students in my class who are below grade level in reading. I can send them to the lesson video and allow them to watch it and stop it as many times as needed. Another great option for differentiating instruction in the classroom.

My Screencast: Greater Than


In my first grade classroom we just started our chapter on comparison in math. Students need to learn the symbol of greater than. They also need to remember place value.

 In this lesson I combine the two giving students a bit of review with the new. They all have work mats to use at their desks and this lesson reminds them to use it for practice. I t may be a bit long but when you are working with first grade everything takes longer. I try to encourage them and show them just what to do. In first grade I also do a lot of repeating. It helps my students to focus on the task at hand. 

In the SAMR model this modification helps to redesign the way I can teach a lesson. Now instead of just standing in front of the board or using the document camera, I can give each student an ipad and let them listen and practice at their own pace. We all know that some students catch on quickly while others struggle. Using lessons like this students will be able to listen and learn at their own pace. It will also free up some of my time so I can work with those student who need the extra help even with a video

So one way to use this is just teaching the lesson. Second, it could also be used by students to record their own version of a lesson allowing them to become the teacher. Third if you have a student that is home bound or for some reason not in school you can broad cast this lesson on you tube or send it by email to the student so they could work from home and not get behind. 

 I think this would change how I set up a lesson and help me with the reteaching part of each unit. I could record my reteaching pages on the iPad using Explain Everything and then have them ready for students when needed. This would save time and help keep kids on task because they won't be waiting for me to help.

 Increased independence is always a good thing in the classroom.

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